VBS 2023: Built to Love!

                                                "We love because God loved us first!" 1 John 4:19

Why do we love? Because God loved us first! 
At VBS 2023, kids will explore all the ways God's love helps us to love others! We will build ourselves up with our daily call-outs: I can LOVE, LISTEN, HELP, STAND STRONG, and BE A GOOD PERSON.  And we will discover all the ways we can love others, love ourselves, and love God. 
Throughout the week, we'll use games, crafts, music, science, and more to remind ourselves that we are built to love!  In addition, each day we will collect bricks with our daily call out words. By the end of the week, we will have built a tower to take home, reminding us of VBS for the rest of the summer! 

VBS 2023    
Ages: 3 (by 1/1/23) through the 5th grade (current 2022-23 school year).
Cost: $25 per child/$40 per family (scholarships available).
Dates: June 12-16
Time: 9:00-12:30 each day
To register, please complete the form below.

Please contact Larissa Hoffman, Director of Children, Family, and Youth Ministries at Mountain View UMC, at children@mtview.org if you have questions!
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Email *
Child's name *
Child's birthday *
Grade level (2022-23 school year) *
Parent name(s) *
Parent email *
Parent phone *
Alternate parent phone
Is there a friend your child would like to be grouped with? We will do our best to honor these requests.
Are there allergies or medical concerns, or is there other information we need to know about your child?
Do you agree to allow photos of your child to be used in church publications, presentations, or promotional materials? *
Payment is requested at the time of registration (scholarships available). How will you be paying for VBS? *
Volunteers play a big role at VBS. Would you be available to volunteer during the week?
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If you are available to volunteer, do you have a preference for where you would like to help?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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