Inclusivity Fall Speaker Series: From the Closet to the Pulpit
Sunday, November 8, 2:00 pm on Zoom
Please join us November 8 at 2:00pm for a Zoom presentation by the Reverend Ann Lantz, entitled “From the Closet to the Pulpit.”
Ann is the pastor of the Estes Park UMC. A native of Indiana, Pastor Ann Lantz has called Colorado home since 2015. Ann is the third of four generations of United Methodist pastors and has served as the pastor of the Estes Park UMC since July 2020. She has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, a Master’s Degree in Theology, and graduate certifications in Medical Ethics and Spiritual Formation.
Ann has a preaching/teaching style that blends her sense of humor with a challenging Gospel message. In addition to strong preaching/teaching skills, she is an experienced administrator and a warm-hearted pastoral caregiver. Ann is married to Agnes Lantz, and they have a very special dog, Bella, who is Agnes’s Diabetic Alert Dog. They also have two cats, Sophie and Gracie. They enjoy reading, spending time with friends, Downton Abbey, and exploring beautiful Colorado!
The presentation will be 30-40 minutes with a question and answer session to follow.
Join the Zoom meeting using this link!
ID: 84269275965, password: 260029