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Charge Conference
Charge Conference: Sunday, November 19, 6:00 pm, First UMC of Lafayette This year, Charge Conference is following a different format. We will be having a “Joint Circuit Charge Conference” held on Sunday, November 19 at 6:00 pm at First UMC of Lafayette (1255 Centaur Village Dr, Lafayette) with other churches in attendance.
DetailsSunday, October 29
Sermon: “Woven Together in Covenant” Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 & Phil. 2: 1-11 Being woven together in love manifests in a community that can bless each member. To weave in this way, to actually put yourself into the fabric is to also make a commitment, a covenant, a promise of how that bond will shape you and influence thoughts and actions. God offered this covenant first, a promise of blessing and life, and thus we live it by living the practical wisdom of Jesus…
Spooktacular Trunk or Treat & Spooky Organ Concert Sunday, October 29, 5:00 – 7:00 pm Does Fall seem to you a season of gloom and grayness? Well, on October 29th you are invited to Mtn. View’s Spooktacular, a celebration of community and the delights of childhood. The festivities will start at 5:00 pm on the west side of the church. There will be trunk-or-treating, a bouncy house, many activities for the kids, food and fellowship. Everyone is invited (whether you…
DetailsIn Our Own Voice: a Mental Health Awareness Presentation
“In Our Own Voice” A Mental Health Awareness Presentation Sunday, October 29 Frasier Parlor 9:00am – 10:15am October is Mental Health Awareness month. What is NAMI In Our Own Voice? NAMI In Our Own Voice is a unique public education program in which two trained speakers share their compelling personal stories of living with mental illness challenges and achieving recovery.
DetailsBUMMP Salmon Dinner: Sunday, October 8
BUMMP Salmon Dinner: Sunday, October 8, 4:30 – 7:00, Heart of Longmont UMC, 350 11th Avenue in Longmont Enjoy delicious wild Alaskan salmon and fresh turkey, and help Boulder United Methodist Mission Projects (BUMMP) sponsor mission work teams locally, nationally, and globally. Come for a great meal, for fellowship, and to learn more about the work of BUMMP. Tickets will be on sale after worship and will also be available at the door on 10/8. The cost is $12 for…
DetailsPastor’s Shared Study
Pastor’s Shared Study to Begin! Sundays & Wednesdays, 10:00 am, Starting September 27 in Frasier Parlor Starting on September 27, Pastors Steve and Sarah will be sharing leadership in a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. This 7-week experience will be offered on both Sunday and Wednesday mornings for one hour starting at 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 27. The same material will be presented and discussed at 10:30 am the following Sunday, October 1. Our Pastors will be…
DetailsSunday, October 22
Sermon: “Woven Together in Struggle!” Scripture: Luke 21: 1-4 What is it to be faithful and bold? How do we talk about and live with money? What would we do with a $1 mil. check if offered? How does money affect how we live in the world and with each other? What does it mean to give out of our ABUNDANCE, when we feel WE are not ENOUGH, and never have enough? Longing for Enough in a Culture of More Paperback by…
DetailsSunday, October 15
Sermon: “Woven Together in Mission & Ministry,” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: John 10: 11-16
DetailsSunday, October 8
Sermon: “Childish or Child-Like,) by Larissa Hoffman Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:7 Themes: Giving as a sense of worship, We can worship with joy, gratitude, freedom
DetailsSunday, October 1
Sermon: “Woven Together in God,” by Pastor Sarah Merchant Scripture: Colossians 2: 2-6 (Message) Theme: The two way expression of the tapestry of love: 1) God knowing each strand of us and being expressive through the Trinity 2) our response to the mystery, power, and message to what we’ve been given and received. Best expression of this is communion- a shared table, giver and receiver, provider to purveyor, faith-filled (humanity) to faithful (God)
DetailsSunday, September 24
Sermon: “God is Not Fair!” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: Matthew 20: 1-16
DetailsSunday, September 17
Sermon: “Forgiveness Must Lead Us Somewhere New,” by Pastor Sarah Merchant Scripture: Matthew 18: 21-35