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Sunday, March 18
Sermon: “Coping for the Best,” by Steven K. Warren Scripture: Acts 9: 1-19
DetailsSunday, March 11
Sermon: “Vulnerability: Scarce Resources,” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: John 10:10b
DetailsAdult Forum Lenten Study
Adult Forum Lenten Study on Jesus’ Last Week Starts: Sundays, 9:03 am, Room 205 As Jesus entered His final days and faced Golgotha, He acted with loving purpose and deliberate intent. Each step was calculated. Every act premeditated. This study, by renowned theologian and writer, Max Lucado, looks carefully at each day of the week before Easter through the book, And the Angels Were Silent. What messages does God have for us in the actions of Jesus? How did the…
DetailsSunday, February 25
Sermon: “Vulnerability: Mindfield,” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: Mark 5: 1-16
DetailsSunday, February 18
Sermon: “Vulnerability: Not for the Faint of Heart,” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: John 5: 1-13
DetailsSunday, February 11
Sermon: Youth Sunday: “Be Amazed and Listen,” by Pastor Sarah Merchant Scripture: Mark 9: 2-9
DetailsSunday, February 4
Sermon: “Giving a Hand for Life,” by Pastor Sarah Merchant Scripture: Mark 1: 29-39
DetailsSock It to Human Trafficking
“Sock” It to Human Trafficking The United Methodist Women and the Mountain View Outreach Team are joining together to raise local awareness regarding human trafficking. For several years, UMW members have focused on this important social issue around the time of the Super Bowl. In 2018, we want to focus on the local effects of human trafficking and support Attention Homes in its efforts to protect young men and women from becoming victims of trafficking. Please join the Adult Forum…
DetailsThe Leibnizian Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God
The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God, or What is the Bottom Turtle?: February 4, 9:00 am & 10:30 am, Barker Hall Belief in God is supported by a very rigorous intellectual tradition, involving many of the great philosophers all the way back to ancient Greece. Less well known, perhaps, is that many prominent, modern philosophers are practicing Christians, and are also quite knowledgeable in the latest sciences. In this talk, David Jones will present a summary of…
DetailsAnnual Ham Dinner
Annual Ham Dinner: January 28 All are invited to join the Homebuilders for the Annual Ham Dinner. We will gather on January 28 at 5 pm in Frasier Parlor. Chef Arthur will be preparing the Ham. You should bring a dessert or side dish to share and your own table service. Drinks will be provided. Callers will be contacting members or you may make a reservation by calling Joel Beaty at 303-443-1495.
DetailsSunday, January 28
Sermon: “Testing Our Own (Impure) Spirits,” by Pastor Steven K. Warren Scripture: Mark 1: 21-28
DetailsSunday, January 21
Sermon: “A Message with Fingerprints,” by Pastor Sarah Merchant Scripture: Mark 1: 14-20