Gathering with the People of the Cross

Gathering with the People of the Cross

Gathering with the People of the Cross

by Rev. Stephanie Kidwell

I look forward to Easter! Adding my alleluia to the resurrection crowd sounds like fun! I like the joyful nature of Easter morning! but I have learned something important over the years about the season of Lent. I have learned if I spend time reflecting, praying, and preparing for the day of resurrection, Easter will be even more powerful for me! Lent is the time of year where the light shifts, and that new light washes the earth in a reawakening. We are invited into a time of deeper spiritual understanding as we prepare.

This year at Mt. View we will gather at the foot of the cross with some of the people of the story. Through their stories, we will grow in better understanding our own story. Gathering as part of the crowd gathered at the foot of the cross is not something I look forward to, but I wonder where that may take us? Do the characters from biblical stories help us learn about issues of today? Did they face similar struggles? Did they have questions of faith and the intersection of faith and current events trouble them? As they stood at the cross did they wonder what would happen next? And what might be required of them?

Let’s join those biblical characters this Lenten season to prepare for the Resurrection, but also to study what those stories mean to us today.

Mountain View UMC

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