This Season in Crossfyre

This Season in Crossfyre

All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for Crossfyre! Our weekly meetings might include some fun and games, service and mission opportunities, devotion time and prayer, or more! 

Crossfyre meets on Sundays 12:00 – 1:30 pm. Most weeks we’ll begin by enjoying lunch together.

This winter, our activities have found us painting pottery to help fight hunger, thinking like an advocate by writing letters to bring about change, and talking about the tough topics that came up in our sermon series, “We’re talking about that in church?” We also enjoyed games that had us throwing burritos, an afternoon ice skating in Louisville, and plenty of time laughing and just being together!

Coming this spring: more fun, more conversations, and more opportunities to laugh together!

Mountain View UMC

We believe you will be impressed by the passion, authenticity and diversity of this sacred community.