Sunday, March 22, we will celebrate UMCOR Sunday. This is the time we come together to give our support for UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. In 2016 the General Conference approved changing the name of One Great Hour of Sharing, one of the 6 church-wide special Sunday’s when offerings are taken to support the United Methodist church, to UMCOR Sunday.
UMCOR is the humanitarian arm of the United Methodist Church and provides humanitarian relief when war, conflict or natural disasters cause disruption of life to the extent that communities cannot recover on their own. UMCOR assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally indirect ministry to persons in need. UMCOR responds to both U.S. and international disasters, ministers to immigrants and refugees, addresses diseases of poverty, provides clean water and works to reduce hunger, and works with vulnerable communities to strengthen their self-sufficiency and strengthen their partnerships.
Your gifts to UMCOR are used in the areas of disaster response and recovery, hunger and poverty, sustainable development, water and sanitation, global health, creative development, women and children, and migration.
With regards to disaster response and recovery, your gifts:
Allow UMCOR workers and volunteers to be among the first to arrive and the last to leave when people are in need.
Provide for emergency grants for disasters.
Relieve hunger and help communities have a sustainable source of food.
Cover the expenses of job training
Bring emergency supplies to communities devastated by floods and storms.
All efforts through UMCOR are carried out with the goal of preserving dignity of persons without regard to religion, race, nationality, or gender, and seek to enhance the quality of life in the human community.
UMCOR Sunday calls United Methodists to share the goodness of life with those who hurt. Gifts given today help UMCOR to underwrite the “costs of doing business” which then allows UMCOR to keep the promise that 100% of any gift given to a specific project will go towards that project. Your gifts lay the foundation for UMCOR to share God’s love with communities everywhere.
The sustainability of UMCOR depends on the support of its constituents. Every member of the United Methodist church is a part of UMCOR and its work. UMCOR IS US, and WE ARE UMCOR PROUD!