This year for Lent and leading into Easter, we will be looking at transformation. The metamorphosis that creates a butterfly will be our focus over the next weeks. We will remember we are people who are changing and growing through our faith. The four stages of development to an adult butterfly can be a metaphor to our own faith journey. There are times, perhaps the larval stage, when we search and question. Lent can feel like a dark time as we prepare for Easter, just as the pupal stage is seen as dark. We know that great transformation is taking place within the chrysalis. That work of change leads to a beautiful butterfly.
In worship, we will be looking at some of the stories of Jesus that will help us on our transformation journey. You may be familiar with some of the story, and others might be new to you. We will look at them in new ways to help inform our own metamorphosis as followers of Jesus.
I also want to encourage you to participate in as many opportunities as possible in this time, beginning with Ash Wednesday and throughout Holy Week. Worship isn’t the only way we grow spiritually, fellowship is another important part of our journey.
Beginning Sunday, March 6, Barker Hall will be full of activity and fellowship. Come to church between 9:30 – 10:30 am and check out the fun! Sharing your gifts might help you to grow, perhaps you would like to join the choir or bells for the season? (There is more information elsewhere). Attend the Lent Event on April 3. Find ways to grow and be transformed!
Holy Week will be the concluding days of the transformation process as we remember the Last Supper and Good Friday. Both of these days will feature worship services at 7:00 pm in drama, song, and time for contemplation. Communion will be served on Thursday. Friday will be a service of tenebrae: a darkening of the Sanctuary.
And then….butterfly…the story of resurrection and beauty will be celebrated on April 17! I hope you will take time this Lenten season to invest in your spiritual journey,
Blessings on the metamorphosis journey, this season of transformation.
Pastor Stephanie