After one month, I only have two boxes left in my office to unpack. It has been fun arranging and deciding what to put where, to make the office my own. I have enjoyed seeing familiar objects in a new place. All of my mementos of ministry have come out of the boxes and brought a smile to my face. Each one reminded me of a blessing in my life. Do you ever stop and consider all of your blessings?
Each Sunday in August we will talk about blessings. The first two weeks we will dive into the Beatitudes. They can be found in Matthew 5. The first section addresses personal holiness and the second social holiness. Take a look at them before August and see if this list from Jesus causes you to re-evaluate how you understand blessings. Perhaps they are not just about the what we have or even health and love. We will then focus on the blessing Jesus gives the children, and understand the role the church has in blessing children. Did you know that church has an important role in raising resilient children? How are we doing? The last week of August we will look at a popular phrase, “blessed to be a blessing.” This phrase is commonly used, but what does the biblical story of the call of Abram in Genesis 12 tell us about being a blessing?
As I unpack, not just my boxes, but my understanding of the ministries of Mountain View, I begin to imagine the even greater blessing we can be to the people of Boulder and beyond. I am so impressed by the passions I find in this place. People at Mountain View care about each other, many social issues, our children, our nonagenarians, inclusivity, and the environment. I see faith lived out through worship, service, and care. How are those expressions of faith blessings?
This August, let’s take time to deepen our theological understanding of blessing.