Summer in the Prayground

Summer in the Prayground

Summer in the Prayground by Larissa Hoffman

Kids at Mountain View are invited to worship in our prayground. Located in the sanctuary, this space provides kids the opportunity to worship in age appropriate ways. In the prayground, kids are absorbing the sights and sounds of worship, even as they create, build, or explore pictures in a book. They are participating in worship with their families, forming habits and building memories that they will remember as adults.

Throughout the school year, kids spend Communion Sundays in the prayground and attend Sunday School classes on the other weeks. For the summer months kids will be worshiping in the prayground each week.

Having kids in worship offers an opportunity for spiritual formation in a way that Sunday School cannot. Kids will see their parents, family members, and other adults worshiping together. They will hear hymns sung by the congregation, prayers offered by the pastor, and scriptures read by laity. They will be present to participate in communion and offering, and they will gain a better sense of community and belonging. In addition, worship is a habit. If we want our kids to grow into adults that value worship, we must create ways to help them value worship as a child.

In the prayground, kids have access to books, crafts, and small toys. This does mean that there may be movement, activity, and noises throughout worship. If the prayground is interfering with your ability to hear the pastors during the service, please see the ushers about the hearing assistance devices available at the back of the Sanctuary.

We invite all of you to interact and worship alongside the kids in our prayground!

Mountain View UMC

We believe you will be impressed by the passion, authenticity and diversity of this sacred community.